Of the many roles Vitamin D3 fulfills in the body, one of the most important is to enable calcium absorption. The body is unable to digest calcium without adequate levels of D3. Insufficient levels of calcium can then lead to osteoporosis and eventually bone loss. Vitamin D3 also works to promote bone mineralization in the body.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

De los numerosos papeles que la vitamina D3 cumple en el organismo, uno de los más importantes es permitir la absorción del calcio. El cuerpo no puede digerir el calcio sin una cantidad adecuada de D3. Una cantidad insuficiente de calcio puede ocasionar osteoporosis y a la larga la disminución de la masa ósea. La vitamina D3 trabaja junto con otras vitaminas, minerales y hormonas en el cuerpo para promover la mineralización ósea.

  • Provides 125 mcg of Vitamin D3 per tablet
  • Aids in maintaining normal levels of calcium in the blood
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Facilitates calcium absorption in the body to support a healthy skeletal system
  • Works with other vitamins, minerals and hormones to promote bone mineralization

Take 1-2 tablets daily.

Vitamin D3

Item #SU74034
$ 24.00

Unit Size

150 tablets


1 bottle
4 bottles

Of the many roles Vitamin D3 fulfills in the body, one of the most important is to enable calcium absorption. The body is unable to digest calcium without adequate levels of D3. Insufficient levels of calcium can then lead to osteoporosis and eventually bone loss. Vitamin D3 also works to promote bone mineralization in the body.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

De los numerosos papeles que la vitamina D3 cumple en el organismo, uno de los más importantes es permitir la absorción del calcio. El cuerpo no puede digerir el calcio sin una cantidad adecuada de D3. Una cantidad insuficiente de calcio puede ocasionar osteoporosis y a la larga la disminución de la masa ósea. La vitamina D3 trabaja junto con otras vitaminas, minerales y hormonas en el cuerpo para promover la mineralización ósea.

  • Provides 125 mcg of Vitamin D3 per tablet
  • Aids in maintaining normal levels of calcium in the blood
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Facilitates calcium absorption in the body to support a healthy skeletal system
  • Works with other vitamins, minerals and hormones to promote bone mineralization

Take 1-2 tablets daily.